The Sjöberg Prize is an annual international prize in cancer research awarded to individual researchers or research groups. The prize amounts to one million US dollars, of which 100,000 US dollars is the prize sum and 900,000 US dollars is funding for future research. The laureates are primarily scientists who are expected to make significant contributions to cancer research in the future.
This years laureate/s will be announced on February 13:
Sjöberg Prize Lecture 2025 will be held at Karolinska Institutet on March 31. More information about the lecture will be available after the announcement of this years Prize.
The lecture is organised by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Karolinska Institutet, with support from the Sjöberg Foundation.
The Sjöberg Prize is awarded as a partnership between the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Sjöberg Foundation. The Sjöberg Foundation also finances the prize.
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