Press room
In our press room you will find the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' recent press releases, press photos and information about upcoming events. Our Press secretary will help you get in touch with the right person if you are looking for commentary or background information!
Latest press releases
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Press photos
Birgitta Henriques Normark, President of the Academy and Chair of the International Committee. Photo: Pernille Tofte, ©The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Hans Ellegren, Secretary General of the Academy. Photo: Markus Marcetic, ©The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Sven Lidin, 1:st Vice President of the Academy. Photo: Patrik Lundin, ©The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Per Strömberg, 2:nd Vice President of the Academy. Photo: Patrik Lundin, ©The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Ulf Ellervik, 3:rd Vice President of the Academy and Chair of the Education Committee. Photo: Pernille Tofte, ©The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Ylva Engström, Chair of the Research Policy Committee. Photo: Patrik Lundin, ©The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Jan Nilsson, Chair of the Health Committee. Photo: Mikael Sjöberg, ©The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Lars Hultman, Chair of the Environment and Energy Committee. Photo: Patrik Lundin, ©The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Press photos – Announcement of the Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry and the Prize in Economic Sciences 2024
Ellen Moons, Chair of the Nobel Committee for Physics; Hans Ellegren, Secretary General, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; Anders Irbäck, member of the Nobel Committee for Physics. Photo: Patrik Lundin.

Hans Ellegren, Secretary General, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; Heiner Linke, Chair of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry; Johan Åqvist, member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry. Photo: Patrik Lundin.

Hans Ellegren, Secretary General, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; Jakob Svensson, Chair of the Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences; Randi Hjalmarsson, member of the Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences. Photo: Patrik Lundin.

Press conference in the Session Hall at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Photo: Patrik Lundin.

Press conference in the Session Hall at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Photo: Patrik Lundin.

Press conference in the Session Hall at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Photo: Patrik Lundin.

Press conference in the Session Hall at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Photo: Patrik Lundin.

Press conference in the Session Hall at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Photo: Patrik Lundin.