The Academy has elected three new foreign members: Prof. Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, USA, and Prof. Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, Japan, into the class for Humanistic and other Sciences and Professor Dan Olof Riska, Finland into the Physics class.
Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann is professor at Princeton university, NJ, USA, and a well renowned art historian whose main interest has been focused on Central European art from the 17th and 18th century, especially the art of the royal court of Prague. Later he has widened his scope to studies of the humanistic thinking in a wider perspective.
Dan Olof Riska is professor of Physics at the university of Helsinki, Finland, and also leads the Helsinki Institute of Physics, with main responsibility for Finland’s contribution to the CERN-programme in Geneva. His research borders the line between Particle and Nuclear Physics.
Hiroyuiki Yoshikawa is a former rector of the University of Tokyo and previous president of ICSU. In his early research he was involved with development of CAD/CAM-techniques and the theory of design. In later years his interests have shifted towards production systems for sustainable development. He headed the Research and Technique delegation to the “World Summit on Sustainable Development” in Johannesburg 2002.