At the General Meeting on 16 January Torsten Åkesson, Lund University, Per Molander, Swedish Social Insurance Inspectorate, Johan Rockström, Stockholm University, and Kjell Jonsson, Umeå University, were elected members of the Academy.
Swedish members
Class for physics
Torsten Åkesson is Professor of Particle physics at the Department of Physics, Lund University, Sweden.
Torsten Åkesson, Lund University
Class for humanities and for outstanding services to science
Per Molander is Director-General at the Swedish Social Insurance Inspectorate.
Per Molander, The Swedish Social Insurance Inspectorate
Johan Rockström is Professor of Environmental Science with Emphasis on Water Resources and Global Sustainability at Stockholm University, Sweden, and Executive Director of Stockholm Resilience Centre.
Johan Rockström, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Kjell Jonsson is Professor in History of Science and Ideas and Pro-Vice-Chancellor at Umeå University, Sweden.