KVA-JSPS Seminar: New Windows to the Universe

Date: 2018-11-26

Time: 13:00 - 17:50

Address: Lilla Frescativägen, 4A Stockholm

Venue: Beijer Hall, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Symposium celebrating 150 years of Japan-Sweden Diplomatic Relations

The symposium will report on new findings in neutrino research and research on the newly detected gravitational waves.

Organised by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Stockholm Office and the Embassy of Japan in Sweden.


Professor Takaaki Kajita, The University of Tokyo 
Professor Hitoshi Murayama, University of California, Berkeley, and The University of Tokyo 
Dr Ross Church, Lund University
Professor Jan Conrad, Stockholm University
Dr Caterina Doglioni, Lund University 
Dr Erin O’Sullivan, Stockholm University

Programme and abstracts

The symposium is sponsored by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences through the Nobel Institute for Physics, Stiftelsen Till Bröderna Jacob och Marcus Wallenbergs minne, and by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Stockholm Office

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Program Coordinator